Friday, February 25, 2011

pass on the love....Silhouette SD giveaways.....

So I follow lots of crafty blogs.... because I am an addict, and I love them. Ack! Anyway, if you are familiar with the Silhouette SD machine, a handful of bloggers are having a giveaway right now... so go now and try to win, I sure am!!! I've been wanting to put an old Irish blessing on one of my walls for forever, but don't want to pay $80 for it!!

Go check out My Repurposed Life who is giving one away! Also browse her blog for cool tutorials like this one, on how to print on fabric!!

Other fabulous blogs having giveaways!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Amazon, how dare you....

tempt me with such cool things!
Items currently in my Wish List.....

And here are some things I have already purchased....

Vintage Victorian Postcards
(from vintagescrapbox on Etsy)

Custom Photo Block Sign
(from lonestaraccessories on Etsy)
Vintage Spartus Clock
(from UpstairsAttic on Etsy)

I am sure it seems like a total mash up of Vintage/Victorian things lol, I can't wait for everything to be done and I can post pictures of everything!!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 10, my first love

Discuss your first love and first kiss.

Well let's tackle the easier of the two. My first kiss... my first actual kiss to a boy not in my family was a family friend, we were playing hide-and-go-seek, we were 8 years old and we were hiding together in a closet. Terrible, I know. Thankfully we were good kids, and we were only 8, so it was just an innocent peck. I didn't kiss a boy again until I had one of my first boyfriends when I was 15. Even then, that was nothing to shout about. I didn't even see it coming.

My first love, the first person I felt I really loved was a boyfriend in high school. At the time I thought I would marry him, we were together a couple years. But, we are very different people, then and now, and I am glad that it didn't work out between us. We have very different lives, different ideals and beliefs, and we have both found happiness and love with our spouses and children.

What you think love is when you are 15 years old is quite different from what you find love to be as an adult. Thankfully I married a man who embodies the characteristics of love that I need (most of the time ;o)...)

Day 9 - How I envision my future...

How I hope my future will be like..

I could list several material or tangible things I would like to have, or have accomplished in the future. But when it comes down to it, I just want to continue to be happy in the future. I hope that Terry and I continue to enjoy and build our marriage in a loving home. I hope that as my children grow into adults that we can always have healthy relationships. I hope that my kids know that they can always come to me, and talk to me about anything... even when they think I will be upset; because we will always love them and accept them no matter what. I hope that they always realize their potential and that they grow into self assured young people. I hope to live long enough to see grandchildren, and retire with my husband.

No matter where I am or what happens down the road, I hope for those things <3